Latest Masonic News
Freemasonry’s Role in Times of Crisis
- Speeches
It is an honour for me to be able to talk to you today via this media. I know that
A truly free Mason believes in God and in the immortality of the Soul
- Lodge Lectures
Freemasonry, this balance between diversity and harmony is the force that has played and will play a universal positive role
A Word from the President: building virtual Bridges
- Speeches
Let me first of all wish you and your loved ones good health. I know that in some countries the
Reflecting on the Masonic Path
- Lodge Lectures
The events and circumstances of the last few months, have presented us with the very rare opportunity to stop for
Navigating Obstacles in Challenging Times
- Speeches
The fact that in this moment we are together is once again a prevail of spirit upon mater and I
Morocco’s Measures in the Pandemic
- Lodge Lectures
First of all I want to wish a happy Aid Al Fitr to all Muslim Brethren in Arabic language, today
Message for the Confederation
- Confederation
The 55 days of confinement were certainly very difficult with thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of jobs lost,
Uniting Humanity in the Face of a Global Crisi
- Speeches
Humanity is being seriously and universally affected by an invisible coronavirus, that carries its damaging burden indiscriminately for any reason.
The Humanity is living a unique Experience these days
- Lodge Lectures
The Humanity is living a unique experience these days, as it never happened in History a pandemic spreading so quickly