On the current Situation in the Middle East


Dear Brothers in all your qualities!

Dear Readers in the appropriate form of address!

We have all witnessed the terrible events in Israel in recent days. As an outsider it is difficult to understand these brutal acts of terror, which were mainly directed against the civilian population, we are all in shock. Our deepest sympathy and condolences go out to the bereaved families of the many innocent victims and we pray to the Great Architect that no more people are affected. In close coordination with our Israeli brothers, we had no choice but to cancel the upcoming confederation meeting in the city of Tel Aviv immediately. In addition to the inauguration of a new Grand Master, this meeting would also have marked the acceptance of a new Grand Lodge into our midst. The current developments have encouraged us in this rejection and at the moment our attention is on the suffering population in Israel, the protection of the civilian population must be guaranteed and sovereignty must be restored. In the 75th year of the state’s founding these developments are the worst since the Yom Kippur clashes 50 years ago. In the meantime, many of the parties to the conflict at the time have signed a recognition treaty with Israel, which represents peace in practice for the benefit of all!

Violence, oppression and terror in the name of religiously motivated organizations must be clearly ejected everywhere! Our brothers from overseas are standing by our side magnificently and expressions of solidarity are coming from all parts of the world. The members of our brother organization Symbolic Confederation of the Americas, which is legitimated under our jurisdiction, has pledged full sympathy and support to our Israeli Brotherhood. The Great Architect of the Universe will watch over every brother and their entire families and be the light on their path, that is what we all hope and build for. All of our Brethren, regardless of positions or degrees, stand in solidarity behind our Israeli Brotherhood and the people of Israel. We all must defend the walls of our common Solomonic Temple building against any kind of intruders, this is our duty as regular Freemasons of good standing of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. We also don’t want to leave the many conflict situations in other parts of the world unmentioned; we keep an eye on them and stand by each other in these difficult times. Freedom, equality, fraternity, humanity and tolerance are unshakable values that should always accompany us on our path of virtue.

On behalf of the confederacy, so i said.


President C∴G∴L∴E∴M∴

Grand Master G∴M∴L∴A

Public Note in Solidarity for Peace in Israel

The Confederation of Symbolic Freemasonry of the Americas – CMSA publicly regrets and stands in solidarity and calls for peace in Israel and an end to the attacks. We strongly condemn all terrorist attacks targeting Israel. We express our full solidarity with the victims, their families and all their loved ones. We reiterate that there is in no way any justification for the use of violence, especially for no reason at all, when attacking innocent civilians, there is never any justification or means for the use of terrorist actions other than the use of ignorance.

Jonas Lino de Oliveira
Presidente CMSA