Message for the Confederation


Dear reader in the appropriate form of salutation!

The 55 days of confinement were certainly very difficult with thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of jobs lost, but they allowed many brothers to find themselves thanks to the WhatsApp group and to the bi-monthly meetings organised by our lodges.

Unfortunately these groups, sometimes badly controlled by their leaders, have generated political and sectarian aberrations exacerbated by this confinement.

Internet is a great place of freedom but too much freedom opens the door to behavior that has nothing to do with masonry.

I am delighted that the president of our confederation Karl Walder has also been able to reunite us and with the happiness of having recently received three new countries; Israel, Romania and Morocco we have been able to spread from east to west and from north to south the fundamental values of the true F.M.

So said I…

Vincent Poisson
Grand Master

Grand Logde Traditional and Modern of France