The Grand Lodges

National Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Italy 1805
Uninterrupted symbolic base of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Italy, founded, third in the world, in Milan in 1805 by de Grasse Tilly.
The Gran Loggia Nazionale dei Liberi Muratori d’Italia (National Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Italy), works for the preservation and perpetration of the highest and purest Scottish Masonic ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity and to maintain and increase a genuine proximity between the peoples of Europe and the Mediterranean.

Grand Masonic Lodge of Portugal
The Masonic Grand Lodge of Portugal/Grande Loja Maçónica de Portugal G∴L∴M∴P∴ was consacrated in 2011 by the Gran Loggia Nazionale dei Liberi Muratori d’Italia – Discendenza 1805 and by the Grande Loge Traditionelle et Moderne de France, in accordance with all the standards of Regularity.
The purpose of the G∴L∴M∴P∴ is to create a masonic project with real brotherhood whithin the Confederation of the Grand Lodges of Europe and the Mediterranean, bringing together in fraternal dialog what has been dispersed, meaning the Mediterranean cultures of the three Abrahamic religions.
Grand Logde Traditional and Modern of France
The Grande Loge Traditionnelle & Moderne de France (G∴L∴T∴M∴F∴) started its respectable work in Nice in the year 2003 with three lodges.
Since that time more than 30 lodges have been established, the statutes and regulations have been revised and contain important and faithful points, and it is important to keep the Masonic traditions at a high level in modern times.
Together with Italy, Spain and Portugal the G∴L∴T∴M∴F∴ was a founding member of the “Confederation of Grand Lodges of the Mediterranean and South of Europe – C∴G∴L∴M∴E∴S∴” in the year 2004, which has been renamed in year 2013 i “Confederation of the Grand Lodges of Europe and the Mediterranean – C∴G∴L∴E∴M∴”.
Gran Oriente de Espana
The descendant Grand Orient of Spain, founded in 1780, represents the Regular Freemasonry of Spain.
It is an obedience that respects the masonic traditions without requiring any type of tutelage, since it has been established in 1780 with the values of one of the most ancient masonic institutions, following the elementary principles of Freemasonry.
It is an obedience that understands the most extraordinary value of Masonry, which is in the heart of the initiated.
The basis of Freemasonry can be found in every act of the brothers, who strive to improve, hoping to improve the world.
Regular Grand Lodge of the Freemasons of Greece
The RGLFG maintains three Lodges in Athens and one lodge in Thessaloniki. The RGLFMG believes and proclaims that Freemasonry is a practical Way of spiritual advancement that can lead man, society and humanity as a whole, in their upward evolution towards Divinity.
The RGLFG realizes its aims through the old established method of Freemasonry whichabove all respects the dignity, free will and independence of each and every one of its members, and which although it follows no specific dogma, yet is capable of giving answers and finding solutions to all the issues and problems that face man and society today upon the Earth, with the purpose of having a whole and meaningful life, full of real joy, happiness, light and health.
National Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
The National Grand Lodge of Bulgaria (NGLB) was consecrated in 2007 in Rome, with the Light from the National Grand Lodge of the Freemasons of Italy (1805), under the auspices of which it was operating initially.
The NGLB is operating according to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, honoring all Rules and Regulations, as well as the Old Landmarks, that govern the proper functioning of Freemasonry.
The NGLB maintains two Lodges in Sofia, and one lodge in Plovdiv.
The NGLB believes that the material part of life is to serve the spirit in its path for wisdom and applied evolution in daily life.
The NGLB believes and proclaims that Freemasonry is a practical Way of spiritual advancement that can lead man, society and humanity as a whole, in their upward evolution towards Divinity and out of the cell of this material world.
The NGLB realizes its aims through the established method of Freemasonry which above all respect the dignity, free will and independence of each and every one of its members, and which although it follows no specific dogma, yet is capable of giving answers and finding solutions to all the issues and problems that face man and society today upon the Earth, with the purpose of having a whole and meaningful life, full of real joy, happiness, light and health.
The NGLB believes that human beings can change only through conscious actions in everyday life, that man can find love only through practicing the duty of helping others and this is why NGLB actively devotes its strength and power to help other who are in need in any possible way – material or subtle.
Grand Masonic Lodge of Serbia
In June 2006, the Brothers, former members of the three Great Brotherhoods in Serbia, established the new Grand United Lodge of Serbia, which changed its name to the Grand Masonic Lodge of Serbia in 2008. Serbia. In May 2011, at the gathering of the Grand Masters of the CGLEM in Sofia, the Grand Masonic Lodge of Serbia was accepted to the Confederation as a full member.
Under the protection of the Great Masonic Lodge of Serbia, there are three working Lodges with the Names “Brother”, “Universe”, and the “Truth”. All of them are located in the City of Belgrade.
Grand Masonic Lodge of Austria
The Grand Lodge of Austria works in its district and provincial lodges in the first three degrees of over 300 years old traditions. In addition, all other grades up to the 33rd and highest degrees in the building of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite are processed.
The works are respectable, mixed lodges are not allowed. The goal in the Confederacy is to cultivate traditions and to keep the path of virtue in mind in a changing world.
Grande Loge Nationale Marocaine
The Grand Nationl Lodge of Morocco works under the auspices of the great architect of the universe in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. All landmarks of the Scottish Masonic tradition are fully accepted, including a pure masculine work. The lodges are located in the traditional cities of Casablanca, Marrakesh and Rabat, with a Triangle in Tanger.
Grand Lodge of New Enlightment of Romania
The Grand Lodge of the New Enlightenment of Romania was founded in 2011. It is masculine obedience, working in 14 Lodges in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite to the glory of the great architect of the universe The Lodges are formed by active members of different ages, religions and of course political view but all working together for the greater good, sharing their knowledge, experience and expertise and are involved in different social programs and events for the communities of the Orients they are active in.
The main vision and attitude towards all masonic bodies are one of openness and cooperation, not interfering with internal businesses and respecting the authority and integrity of everyone.
Grand Lodge Jerusalem of Ancient and Accepted Freemasons in the State of Israel
The New Grand Lodge Jerusalem of Freemasons in Israel, which follows the principles of new enlightenment, was founded in January 2013. The Grand Lodge Jerusalem operates lodges in the north and center of Israel. In addition to Craft Masonry, the Grand Lodge Jerusalem has an appendant Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Supreme Council.
Grand National Lodge of Macedonia in the State of North Macedonia
Confederacao da Maconaria Simbolica das Americas
World Conference of Masonic Fraternity