Our Vision
Freedom, Equality, Fraternity
Universal Freemasonry and its intellectual property are less and less taken into account in the current times of constant movement and unclear future prospects.
We find ourselves in a new world order, characterized by capitalism and egomania, in which the good of the community is not put before the well-being of individuals. These processes also led to diverging developments in the world-wide Freemasonry.
In fact, current developments, as well as religious conflicts in the Middle Eastern world, are leading to strong tensions between the peoples of the earth. In addition to the resulting migration and the associated humanitarian aspects, mankind has now to face another challenge with the blurring of borders. Where limits were once set with blood, these are obsolete under present aspects, practically no longer available in Europe. So we are all in the middle of a newly created economic and cultural space, dealing with it does not always seem easy.
In this complex age of constantly changing conditions, Freemasonry must learn to face it, deal with it and find well-founded answers.
It must, therefore, be our goal to preserve the original and so valuable writings, rules and values, as well as the related spiritual context, invented centuries ago by intellectuals and more relevant in content than ever, and to establish them in the 21st century. This can only succeed if each of us expands our own horizons and leads a discourse that corresponds to the dimensions of today’s world order.
The Confederation of the Grand Lodges of Europe and the Mediterranean has emerged from this environment to be able to cope with the challenges of the coming decades. It is our credo to live up to these requirements, to be able to respond even more with the right concepts. We want to connect, not separate, so we have laid the foundations for this in a mutual recognition charter.
As an organization, we are in a growth process. In addition to regional growth in our country lodges, ongoing enlargement negotiations are also underway with various countries. At present, the Confederation Presidency is represented by Austria, which is currently also leading the enlargement negotiations.
The great pillars of Freemasonry: Freedom, equality, fraternity, coupled with tolerance and humanity are for us not relics of bygone times, but the claim, in times of technical progress also the moral and ethical progress the appropriate shoes to lend and to live.
Our Landmarks
Our landmarks are immovable and a backbone in this unruly and inflationary times, where dubious Masonic brotherhoods arise in great variety, profiteering and superficiality are in the foreground and the seriousness of the lineage is not questioned.
what unites us:
- The Reference to the Great Architect of the Universe
- The presence of the Three Lights: The Holy Book, the Square and the Compass
- The Sovereignty of Three Symbolic Grades
- The Sovereignty of the High Degree System of the A.A.S.R.
- Respect for the Landmarks and Customs of the Order
- Respect for the Laws of the Respective Countries
- Prohibition of any political or religious discussions during the work in the Lodge
- Respect for Ethics and Masonic Tolerance
- Respect for Masonic rituals
Find out more about our History: