The virtual Meeting II


Dear reader in the appropriate form of salutation!

Freemasonry has existed for more than 300 years for good reason, it has always been able to adapt perfectly to the changed framework conditions and its values ​​are more in demand today than ever. However, the current circumstances now require even more flexibility to be displayed and meetings to be taken to another level. We all love face-to-face meetings, but if the prevailing pandemic situation makes it impossible, then the strength of our connection becomes apparent and we have worked tirelessly to meet “face-to-face” in virtual meetings.

Once in spring, around Easter time, our brotherhood meets in Tuscany. This personal meeting had to be canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic. We made a virtue out of necessity and got together virtually as early as May 2020. Several hundred brothers experienced the “Spirit of Montebelli” in this way. We repeated this virtual meeting in June 2021 and it was just as great a success. Further in the text our readers will find some impressions from the different member countries of the Confederation, which were written down by the Grand Masters and hopefully there is a way for a personal meeting in Tuscany in springtime of 2022.

We all implore the blessing of the great architect of the universe and wish that global Freemasonry seizes the chance and obediences find each other in order to give even more expression to our credo of freedom, equality, brotherhood, humanity and tolerance.

On behalf of the President,
Grand Secretary of CGLEM