
The History of Presidencies


current President:
Antonio Cuomo


Dear Brethren all over the World, dear interested Readers!

The world is undergoing structural change. A lot of what existed for us in our value context until a few years ago is now to be regarded as obsolete. Europe has been particularly affected by recent events. Be it through the acts of war in the Middle East, the unpredictable situation in some countries on the African continent, or in particular the current crisis situation in Ukraine. All of these trouble spots result in unimaginable suffering and humanitarian catastrophes. This confronts us all with new challenges.

We Freemasons live according to the principles of freedom, equality, fraternity, humanity and tolerance and therefore have a special obligation towards humanity. Our brothers of all Obediences provide great humanitarian aid in all known crisis regions and are particularly committed to the care and accommodation of refugees and people of all origins in need of our protection.

In a world that seems to be drifting apart inexorably, people are in danger of losing their bearings, it is necessary to convey values and solutions. The canon of values ​​of Freemasonry has existed for centuries and is probably more relevant than ever in this complex world order. We, as the Confederation of the United Grand Lodges of Europe and the Mediterranean, are committed to the Great Constitutions with all their landmarks and place the greatest possible value on not changing these landmarks, on preserving the essence of Scottish Freemasonry in its original form and with due regard for current circumstances to adjust. This approach to Freemasonry, which is strictly based on these landmarks, prohibits our members from appearing as mixed organizations. At this point with regard to authenticity it should be noted that our Italian Grand Lodge (G∴L∴N∴L∴M∴I∴), which is also a founding member of this confederation, has one of the oldest original documents of the A.A.S.R. (1805) which confirms this same authenticity of the practiced ancient and accepted Scottish rite.

As you can see from these lines we take our task of preserving Freemasonry in its originality very seriously. We are carefully developing ourselves and our Masonic federation in order to serve the well-being of all mankind.

As an overarching goal we hope that in a new world order more attention will be paid to the values ​​of Freemasonry, precisely because we build bridges not walls.

In conclusion I would like to say: We should always remember that all the decisions we make form the essence that shapes our personalities. This applies to the past, the present and the future. Together we can make this world a better place.

fraternally yours President

Past Presidents


A∴ R∴



Karl Walder



Antonio Cuomo



Roberto Imperio



François Furia



Libânio Murteira-Reis
