

I delved deep within myself in search of the essential, the irreducible, the foundation that could give meaning to my existence.

What is life? What is worth living for? Its been like navigation through this labyrinth: a journey in search of the right path, step by step, one crossroads after another. What is right to do? What is wrong? What is good? What is evil?

Thoughts wandering from the periphery to the center of being, and then back from the center to the periphery; its the breath of the soul seeking enlightenment, meaning, a way out…

Not an easy path, but however difficult it may be, its worth facing: its in our nature to look up to see beyond, to imagine, to desire a better humanity…humanity… Perhaps thats the point, the center, the way out: working to build a better humanity!

But how can we do it, close as we are in the labyrinth of existences? And what if its right here, inside the labyrinth, that we can find humanity, our humanity!

It`s within us that sense of humanity must rise, grow, spread, making a man true and his existence authentic.

Beyond all selfishness, beyond every material need, beyond every contingency and finitude, a man can reveal his spirit of brotherhood and genuine sharing with his neighbor.

I leave you the labyrinth, I leave you Montebelli, where I cultivated my humanity and my love for authentic life. May you all enjoy it, as I enjoyed your friendship.


One does not get lost in the labyrinth. One finds oneself?