Reflecting on the Masonic Path


Dear reader in the appropriate form of salutation!

The events and circumstances of the last few months, have presented us with the very rare opportu­ni­ty to stop for a while the frantic race of our everyday lives, and to examine what we have accomplished all these years that we follow the Masonic Path, and to evaluate our part in it, as well as our lives in general.

To give a true and honest answer to this problem, we only have to look around us, in our per­sonal lives, our families, our lodges, our societies, our countries, and finally humanity as a whole. Do we see happiness and joy, selfless love and reci­pro­city, unity of purpose and cooperation, healing pro­ces­ses and open hearts, faces full of hope and lightened by faith?

As long as the answer to these and other similar questions cannot be positive, we, as true and honest freemasons still have a lot of work to do, as individuals, as members of our lod­ges, as members of the Universal Masonic Fraternity. Freemasonry is never an end in itself, but only a means and a way to free ourselves from all negative feelings and thoughts, from all bonds and bur­dens, from all prejudices and misconceptions, and to offer with all hu­mi­li­ty this new and more eleva­ted and luminous self to the service of the Great Architect of the Universe, in other words to the service of our brothers and our fellow­men, and of all living beings upon this Earth. Our Maso­nic Legacy gives us in a plentiful way all necessary wor­king tools and instructions.

Humanity, for the first time in recorded history as a whole, experiences today an extremely dan­ge­rous affliction. Our very existence is threatened, our way of life and our set of values are put into ques­tion. However, this is not an unprecedented situation. We know well what is wrong, even though we don’t admit it. We know well the cure, even though we prefer to search elsewhere.

The solution to this and all future problems, will not come from our own minds. It will come from the Great Architect of the Universe, whose mere instrument we are, through our open, pure and humble hearts.

Dear Brothers, we are not alone. Let us be reborn in faith and trust. Let us profess in our lives our gratefulness for all the gifts we constantly receive. Let us rekindle our respect for the sacred. Let us be more open-hearted, more spiritually creative, more true exem­plars of what is good and bright in life. Let us all work and pray together, that we may beco­me worthy to receive divine guidance and help, and to offer this to all who are not as fortu­na­te as we are, so that they too may find solace and support and the entrance to the Beautiful Gate of the Healing Path that leads to Truth, Life and Love.

So said I…

Kimon Theodoropoulos

Grand Master

Regular Grand Lodge of the Freemasons of Greece