The Power of Unity: Building a better Future together


Dear reader in the appropriate form of salutation!

The human beings reach to be the prevalent specie of our planet, becoming the number one predator of its resources. The history of mankind is mainly made of wars and all kind of conflicts between humans, ambitions of supremacy, egoism, greed for power and wealth, preconceptions and cruelty towards other humans. The most significant part of the money of the states is spent on armed forces and weapons and humans became experts on defeating each other. We are the unique visible predator of ourselves.

The last year and an half showed the world that we are more fragile than what we like to admit. That we have global challenges to our survival as a specie and we do not need to create more problems artificially by fighting each other. Those global problems are serious enough already.

But the last year and an half also showed that scientists on different countries, working together, sharing knowledge, manage to create vaccines that protect us. More, much more important: we will be protected only when all humans will have group immunity. All humans, rich and poor, of all races and cultures in all countries.

The lesson is simple: we are all in the same boat, the Earth, we will save together, or we will sink together.

Therefore, only together, with humanism, dialogue and cooperation with open mind and global vision, with respect and fraternity, we will be able to survive the present and future global challenges as deseases, climate change, pollution, food production, etc., etc.

And this is what Freemasonry has been saying for more than 300 years: there is a place for every person in this common house, our planet. It is not by fighting each other, but by respecting and helping each other, despite our differences, that we will find the path to pursuit the Light, the happiness we all aim.

And this is the message that all of us, Freemasons, have the responsibility to spread in our daily life, spread by the word and spread by the example, with the inspiration of the G:.A:.O:.T:.U:..

Dear Brothers, the world needs us, needs our values and our hope to build a better future for all. Thank you for your kind attention and please accept our warm Triple Fraternal Embrace.

So said I…

Libânio Murteira Reis
Grand Master
Grand Masonic Lodge of Portugal