Navigating Obstacles in Challenging Times


Dear reader in the appropriate form of salutation!

The fact that in this moment we are together is once again a prevail of spirit upon mater and I would like to use the opportunity to thank and congratulate every single participant in this enlightened gathering for being part of our uniting effort. We are living in a world, which is situated between spirit and mater and in every moment we are challenged to follow the correct geometry of the Great Architect of the Universe. In our everyday life, both individually and collectively we face continuous obstacles from the material world on our spiritual path and they are there in a blessed way to show us that we need to make further effort, vigilance and perseverance to follow the correct path leading up, in the positive, towards light and love.

Just like any minor technical difficulties disrupt our important online meetings – in the same way also political, economical, personal and many other reasons are there to deviate us from the path to our true self to the Great Architect and this is the most important quest we are in and it is running live 24/7 and is happening both individually and also collectively as a family, as a Masonic body, as a community, as a nation, as humanity, as living beings in the universe. This being the most important thing in our lives, we should have our full concentration at any moment to be persistent on the path of light, positivity and love and be alert at all times of possible excuses, false motivations, ego or other influences pushing us not to act with a ninety degrees angle and to make our hands or heart impure.

In the times in which we live we are being shaken and awaken and are obliged to walk on new paths. Our daily habits change and we are out of our comfort zone, just like our small technical difficulties with online meetings also the current health and material situation is an obstacle for us to conduct our sacred rituals which are a crucial medicine for our soul and inner self. In these times even more we should hold on to our values to the one and only absolute in our lives – the Great Architect and walk even more steadily and with increased affirmation on the path of Truth and Life.

So said I…

Assen Mihov

Grand Master

National Grand Lodge of Bulgaria